21,22,23,24,25,26 and 27th
Grand kid moments
I sometime remember those 'grand' moments with children. I thought i could share and put them down. Some are given below. I am giving details of only two of 'grand'moments of each kid. There are many more. They will follow in groups of two of each in due course.
Alaynah(10)...One day i was narrating a story of my visit to the Char areas of Brahmaputra river in Goalpara district of Assam to Alaynah. I told her how 25 to 30 members of a family lived in small cramped thatched sheds. I further told her that it took me two to three days to visit all of them,that how i lived in the motorboat where a cook prepared food for me and that i also slept in it overnight. She listened me with full attention. She said how so many people could live together when she found difficulty in living with one sister........(2) Perhaps it was her 5th birthday. Cake had been cut. Happy birthday sung. All of us were having snacks. We noticed that the birthday-girl was missing. We saw that she was standing in one corner facing towards its walls. We heard a feeble voice addressing,"Mausi, you have not wished me". Pat came singing of another bout of chorus of happy birthday by Mausi,Nani and joined by all of us. Alaynah who had recused herself from celebration smiled and was happy to have had her way.....Akshat (14) He was 3 year old. I told him to come and stay with us. He said,'But who will clean my potty.' I said,'I will.' He started laughing and said,'You will clean me. You won't.' I could not convince him.....(2) At the same age, once his father went to Finland on work for few days. One day his Nani asked him,'Do you miss your Papa.' He said,'Yes,a bit bit'.....Amolikaa(16). She was about 4 year old. One day I put on Pilku's walking shoes. Amolikaa was nearby. Objecting she said,'These are Papa's shoes.’On intervention of her maid she allowed to me use Pilku's shoes. She objected the same way when i took Pilku's gloves.... (2) Once i could not accompany her to school. 'Why did Dadaji not come to school with me today ? Is he angry ?' She asked her maid. It's not only i,she too was equally attached to me. Abhishree (19). She was 3 year old. I got ready to go for evening walk. Sky was overcast with clouds. Abhishree was going up the stairs to her room in the first floor (duplex house). She about-turned on the last stair and said in an authoritative tone,' Don't you see it may rain any moment ? Take an umbrella.'... (2)She was about 6 year old. She said that she wanted to go shopping with me. I said 'Fine',come with me. I took her to nearby South-field market. I was on foot. She was on bike. We entered a General store. I told her to buy any thing she liked. Jokingly she said,' Could i by the entire store.' I said,' Yes.'She went up and down the store for 10 minutes. Ultimately she picked up an ester egg....Khyati . She will be 20 on 10th October. First moment happened when she was not even two day old.When we came to know of her birth, we had strong yearning to see our first grand child. We were told that we should not come to the hospital and come home after mother and child shifted there. They were not sure when they would shift her to home. We told our son that we could not wait. We gatecrashed into the Holy Angels hospital,Vasant Vihar on 11th October about 3 pm. She was born at 12.10 pm on 10th October. We got the information of her birth on 11th in the forenoon. We visited her and the mother with flowers and sweets. Khyati had been watching the drama. When we were about to leave,she raised her both the hands over the shoulders/head and said, 'Thank you Dadi Dada' .To hear her say that you needed her 'sense and sensibility'. We heard her clearly.....(2) Second episode happened when she was about 3 year old. She came to our house when we were residing at Vikaspuri. After a visit to the toilet she came out rushing and sat cross legged in Lotus position or Padmasana (Sanskrit: पद्मासन)and said,'Could you sit in this posture ?' I said that i could sit in Siddhasan,that is,only one leg up the other. She was elated with her one-upmanship.
Quotable Quotes :"The unexamined life is not worth living."Socrates