Saturday, August 29, 2020

 28 and 29th

Pilku returned London from Switzerland on 28th August in the evening after participating in Silku's 50th birthday celebrations.

In all 1,69,412 corona cases with 4,389 deaths and 1,51,473 recoveries were reported till 28th August in the capital region of Delhi.

Quotable Quotes:"People should never worship images. The spread of mental darkness is due to the prevalence of idolatry."Dayananda Saraswati

Friday, August 28, 2020


Silku was born today 50 years back. It was Thursday, Dwadasi, Krinapaksh , Bhadrapad, 08.07 pm at Jorhat, Assam , in Samvat 2027,corresponding to Gregorian Calendar's 27 August 1970. Venita celebrated it with Puja in the morning. She distributed sweets,cash to all helps including guards. She looked very happy.

In the evening we had virtual celebration with of all of us singing happy birthday to Silku over WhatsAPP, Venita,me,Pilku,Babloo,Ruchi,Neha,Khyati,Abhishree, Amolilkaa and Akshat joined in. Alaynah and Ritanbara could not due to tiredness. Pilku had joined Silku in Swizerland yesterday and gave them all a big surprise.

In all 1,67,604 corona cases with 4,369 deaths and 1,50,027 recoveries were reported till 26th August in the National capital region of Delhi

Quotable Quotes :"The tongue should express what is in the heart."Dayananda Saraswati

Thursday, August 27, 2020

 25 and 26th August

I was born on Friday,Dwadasi, Shulka paksh, month of Shravan, 0425 hours at Fatehpur,UP, Samvat 1996 corresponding to Gregorian calendare's 26th August 1939.

We had lunch at Hyatt Regency. Friends and relations wished happy birthday. Akshat and Pravesh sent lovely buoquet of flowers.l

In virtual celebration of the birthday, Alaynah played happy birthday tune on piano in which everyone joined in. Venita prepared delicious dinner.

In all 1,62,527 corona cases with 4,313 deaths and 1,46,588 recoveries till 24th August reported in the capital Region of Delhi

Quotable Quotes :"The works of present life are more important that the whole and entire reliance on wholesale blind fate."Dayananda Saraswati

Monday, August 24, 2020


In Sunday (23rd August) evening Whats App family chat, quite a few were missing for on reason or the other . Pilku Silku,Babloo Ruchi,Amolikaa and Abhishree joined in. We discussed Covid status in the world. While educational institutions are to open shortly in UK and Switzerland, there is uncertainty about it in India.

In all 30,44,940 corona cases with 56,706 deaths and 22,80,566 recoveries were reported till 23rd August in India.

Quotable Quotes:"Innocent pleasures are got by virtue and well-earned wealth."Dayananda Saraswati

Sunday, August 23, 2020

 22nd and 23rd  August

In all 1,60,016 corona cases with 4,284 deaths and 1,44,138 recoveries were reported till 22nd August in the capital region of Delhi.

Quotable Quotes :"Wealth is a thing, earned with honesty and justice. Its opposite is the Mammon of unrighteousness." Dayananda Saraswati

Friday, August 21, 2020

 20th and 21st

We had virtual celebration of Alaynah's birthday in the evening on Whats App with entire family in attendance. We sang 'Happy Birthday'. All of us did it for the first time to her. Alaynah looked thrilled. Virtual get-together ended with few tunes by her on piano.

In all 278,236, 925 corona cases with 53,866 deaths and 20,96,,664 recoveries were reported till20th August in India.

Quotable Quotes :"Innocent pleasures are got by virtue and well-earned wealth."Dayananda Saraswati

Wednesday, August 19, 2020


Alaynah was born today at Gurgaon, Haryana, 10 years backAccording to Indian calendar, it was Navmi, Shuklapaksh, Shravan, Vikram Samvat 2067,11 am, Thursday, corresponding to  Gregorian calender's 19.08.2010 . We blessed her for long, happy and healthy life . Called her twice . She was sleeping. Last year she was at Guru gram. Today she is Switzerland. Her parents have gone there on posting. I talked to her when she woke up. She was half sleep and half wake. I have given her new name. I call her Venus. She has accepted it with objection. It is pleasure to talk to her.

In all 27,02,742 corona cases with 51,797 and 19,77,779 recoveries till 18th August were reported in India.

Quotable Quotes :"I love to follow truth; nay, I have made it my duty to persuade others to act on truth and abjure falsehood for the sake of their own good. So, the eradication of iniquities is the object of my life."Dayananda Saraswati

Tuesday, August 18, 2020


A visit to Vikaspuri house by duo Shiva Mahan and Thapa today brought to notice seepage of water in Pilku's room and growth of small flora. The duo had gone there about a month back. They cleaned it up all. We have to send them periodically during rains in particular such for clean-ups

In all 26,47,663 corona cases with 50,921 deaths and 19,19,284 recoveries were reported till 17th August in India

Quotable Quotes :"An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching."Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, August 17, 2020


Lively family chat took place over Whats App yesterday. We missed Khyati and Neha. Pilku,Ruchi,Amolikaa and Abhishree narrated highlights of their recent week-long visit to Greece. According to them it was like another visit to Goa. Alaynah played some tunes on piano. As always it was refreshing to spend some time in conversation with children.

In all 25,89,682 corona cases with 49,980 deaths and 18,82,258 recoveries were reported  till 16th August in India.

Quotable Quotes :"What is crucial in dealing with loss is not to lose the lesson. That makes you a winner in the most profound sense."Dayananda Saraswati

Sunday, August 16, 2020


Observed Ekadasi yesterday. Today is Dwadasi, fifth day after the birthday Krishna.In Hindi it is called 'Chhathi'. Venita with the help of Shiva Mohan has prepared a number of items. Khadi chawal was distributes as Prasad.

In all 25, 26,192 corona cases with 45,036 deaths and  18,08,936 recoveries were reported till 15th August in India,

Quotable Quotes :Everyone knows this, yet in the core of most people it remains deeply denied - 'This should not happen to me.' It is for this reason that loss is the most difficult challenge one has to face as a human being."Dayananda Saraswati

Saturday, August 15, 2020


PM Modi hoisted National flag at the ramparts of the Delhi's Red fort at 7.30 am today and addressed the nation for about 90 minutes. He touched on every aspect of National life,growth, security,health and problems of the world. Invited guests and NCC cadets constituted the audience.

In all 24,61,190 corona cases with 48,000 deaths and 17,51,555 recoveries reported till 14th August in India.

 Quotable Quotes :"Prayer in any form is efficacious because it is an action. It will, therefore, have a result. That is the law of this universe in which we find ourselves."Dayananda Saraswati

Friday, August 14, 2020


PM Modi will hoist National flag tomorrow(15th August) from the ramparts of Red fort early morning.

In all 23,96,637 corona cases with 47,033 deaths and 16,95,982 recoveries till 13th August were reported in India.

Quotable Quotes :'In life, loss is inevitable. Everyone knows this, yet in the core of most people it remains deeply denied - 'This should not happen to me.' It is for this reason that loss is the most difficult challenge one has to face as a human being."Dayanand Saraswati

Thursday, August 13, 2020


Could not go our for morning constitutional due to rains. In August there has been less of rains this year than expected. Thapa handed over some packs in East Delhi to be taken to children in Switzerland by a person going there on transfer. 

Venita disributed Janmashmi prasad to all guards, helps and others too which she does in all such occasions. Shiva Mohan heped her preparing it.

In all 1,48,504 corona cases with 4,153 deaths and 1,33,425 recoveries were reported  till 12th August in the capital region,Delhi. 

Quotable Quotes :"The greatest musical instrument given to a human being is the voice."Dayananda Saraswati

Wednesday, August 12, 2020


Sri Krishna Janmashtmi is being celebrated in India today. Some observed it yesterday too.

Krishna Janmashtami, also known simply as Janmashtami, is an annual Hindu festival that celebrates the birth of Krishna, the eighth avatar of Vishnu.(Wikipedia ).

In all 22,68,675 corona cases with 45,257 deaths and 15,83,489 recoveries were reported till 11th August in India

Quotable Quotes :"Lyric helps invoke the core person. And, without lyric, it is difficult to touch the core. Lyrical music is the music of India."Dayananda Saraswati

Tuesday, August 11, 2020


Carotid Doppler and Ultrasound reports are received. These will be referred to Doctors for advice and follow-up. 

In all 22,14,074 corona cases with 44,386 deaths and 15,35,743 recoveries were reported till 10th August in India.

Quotable Quotes :"A value is valuable when the value of value is valuable to oneself."Dayananda Saraswati

Monday, August 10, 2020


Have to undertake some routine tests tomorrow (11th August).

In all 1,54,427 corona with 4,111 deaths and 1,30,587 recoveries were reported till 9th August in the Capital,Delhi

Quotable Quotes :"A swami may conceivably follow only the path of dry reasoning, of cold renunciation; but a yogi engages himself in a definite, step-by-step procedure by which the body and mind are disciplined, and the soul liberated."Paramahansa Yogananda

Sunday, August 9, 2020


Pilku left for Greece with family for a  week's holiday on insistence of children. Amolikaa is to go to hostel on return from there as her school is opening.

During WhasApp chat yesterday, Alaynah struck some pleasant notes in piano. German note was quite powerful.

In all 20,88611 corona cases with 42,518 deaths and 14,27,005 recoveries were reported till 8th August in India.

Quotable Quotes :"Honest disagreement is often a good sign of progress."Mahatma Gandhi

Saturday, August 8, 2020


A family Whats-app chat took place today in the evening. Pilku/Ruchi talked of their impending visit to Greece . As always, chat was refreshing.

In all 20,27,074 corona cases with 41, 585 deaths and 13,78.105 recoveries were reported till 7th August in India.

Quotable Quotes :"The man form is higher than the angel form; of all forms it is the highest. Man is the highest being in creation, because he aspires to freedom."Paramahansa Yogananda

Friday, August 7, 2020


While a visitor to Silku may carry things required by him and family as informed, we could also send a couple of diaries and calendar if he required.

In all 19,64,536 corona cases with 40,699 deaths and 13,28,338 recoveries were reported till 6th August in India

Quotable Quotes :"The happiness of one's own heart alone cannot satisfy the soul; one must try to include, as necessary to one's own happiness, the happiness of others."Paramahansa Yogananda

Thursday, August 6, 2020

6th August
Wished happy birthday to Gopalji, Shanno's hasband yesterday. He is at Anand's house in Mumbai since last 4 months. 
Spoke to Gauri conveyed condolences on her bereavement. Venita also talked to her.
In all 1,40,232, corona cases with 4,044 deaths,and 1,25,116 recoveries were reported from Capital region till 5th August in India.
Quotable Quotes :"A true yogi may remain dutifully in the world; there, he is like butter on water and not like the easily-diluted milk of unchurned and undisciplined humanity."Paramahansa Yogananda

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

5th August
Heard PM Modi's speech at Ayodhya Ram janmbhmi Silanyas. It was marvelous.

Search Results

Featured snippet from the web

In all 18,55,748 corona cases with 38,938 deaths and 12,30.509 recoveries were reported till 4th August in India.
Quotable Quotes :"There is a magnet in your heart that will attract true friends. That magnet is unselfishness, thinking of others first; when you learn to live for others, they will live for you."Paramahansa Yogananda

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

4th August
There is problem in writing blog due to change in Blogger's formats. I hope to get over it soon.
In all 18,03,695 corona cases with 38,135 deaths and 11,85,203 recoveries were reported till 3rd August in India.
Quotable Quotes :"There are always two forces warring against each other within us."Paramahansa Yogananda