Saturday, October 23, 2021

17.18,19,20, 21 and 23rd

On request of Barun and Bina, we visited to join them over lunch on 20th Oct at their Greater Noida flat.We stayed there for over three and half hours. Mishtee's request for posting in USA on transfer from Bangalore, India has been accepted. It's in the process of being worked out. Mishtee says it may take some time to materialize. She hopes to be posted at a place 4 to 500 km away from the workplace of Bhaiya. Entire family may think of emigrating to USA in the long run. Both Bina and Barun are now retired. As age is not a bottleneck in getting new openings in USA, they too may be gainfully employed there with their work experience if they desire to work. They are not septuagenarian yet.

Quotable Quotes:"The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more."Jonas Salk

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