Sunday, October 17, 2021

16th : Anita's 75th and Ritanbara's 50th birthday

Attended  Anita's 75th birthday celebration at her Gurugram residence. She is 75 today. Subhash/Sunita/Tunu/Gauri,Devika/Rajiv Mohan/Ayush attended along with Venita,her hushand Pramod and her son Pinku.There was cutting of cake and singing of happy birthday followed by lunch. All of us wished her many returns of the say.........Today was Ritanbara's 50th birthday too.She was born on 16.10.1971. We rang her up and wished many happy returns of the day. We talked to Silku and Alaynah also.

Quotes Quotes :"Where there is no vision, there is no hope."George Washington Carver

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