Wednesday, August 25, 2021

 21, 22(Sunday),23,24 and 25th

We celebrated Rakshabandhan festival on 22nd. Shanno sent a beautiful Rakhi through Amazon. After puja Venita tied rakhi (sent by Shanno) on my hand and i tied one (Also sent by Shanno) on her hand........In the evening we had Sunday chat over WhatsApp for about an hour. Pilku/Ruchi/Babloo/Neha/Akshat joined in besides Venita and me. Abhishree and Amolikaa had gone out. Silku and his family could not join. We always miss them........We discussed Covid, new rules of quarantine and children's education. Ladies talked about new recipes.......Family will celebrate my birthday tomorrow (26th).

Quotable Quotes:"I don't think of all the misery but of the beauty that still remains."Anne Frank

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