Thursday, August 5, 2021

 4 and 5th

Three Gems of Daughters-in-law

I have written in one of my blogs earlier that we should not expect our daughter-in-law to behave like daughters. They should rather behave like daughter-in-law only.They should be graceful,kind and forgiving. Their in-laws should also have the same qualities.Now let us see how our daughters-in-laws measure up in the yardstick.

1. Ruchi 

In March 1997 i had been invited to deliver a lecture on Civil Defence at the Military college Pune. I asked Ruchi to join me there over dinner in the Army Mess. She came there from her work place in the afternoon. I joined her after lecture. I told her to take rest as we were likely to have a long evening. But she won't. I told in slightly high pitch to take rest. She obeyed and went to her bedroom. Later in the evening, i called her to get ready for the dinner. For quite some time there was no response. I become curious. After knocking the door, i went inside her room and found she was nowhere. I became anxious. I searched for her and found that she had hidden herself inside the bed cover cleverly. She came out laughing. I was greatly relieved. I told her to get ready quickly. She was graceful,kind and forgiving in her reactions.

2. Ritanbara

On an occasion,i had invited some friends for lunch at IIC. Of the three, Rinabara was the only daughter-in-law who could join in hosting the get-together. All our sons were present. Guests  were impressed with her pleasant manners and conversation. They congratulated us for her loving conduct and illustrious sons too. She was graceful and kind  in her behavior.

3. Neha

She is our youngest daughter-in-law. Soft spoken,courteous,well informed and extremely helpful to us and all. Takes initiative in all family matters. One day she and Babloo quarreled over a petty matter. On request by me she reconciled. Babloo and she were then staying with us at Vikaspuri. A graceful,kind and forgiving person.. 

We are lucky to be gifted with three Gems of daughters-in-law.

Quotable Quotes :"When ambition ends, happiness begins."Thomas Merton

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