Thursday, August 19, 2021

 19th : 

Alaynah was born today 

Alaynah was born today at Gurgaon, Haryana, 11 years backAccording to Indian calendar, it was Navmi, Shuklapaksh, Shravan, Vikram Samvat 2067,11 am, Thursday, corresponding to  Gregorian calender's 19.08.2010 . We blessed her for long, happy and healthy life . Called her thrice .Could talk now at about 5'30 pm(IST). Like last year, she is Switzerland this year too.I gave her new name last year on this day. I called her Venus. She accepted it with objection. It is pleasure to talk to her. Venita did Puja and distributed sweets to all..... This year is special. Her Nani,Nana,Mausi and cousins are there to join her in birthday celebration.

Quotable Quotes :"I'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck."Emma Goldman

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