Saturday, September 4, 2021

 2,3 and 4th: Chhati of Krishna

Today is the 6th day after the the birthday of Krishna on Thirtieth August . Venita cooked 56 dishes and offered to little Krishna on the day. She was busy in the job since morning. Later after Puja,she distributed a bit of each dish to all of us,guards,helps........"A large number of devotees thronged various Krishna temples. Special celebrations were held at ISCKON, JK Temple and Sanatan Dharma temple all over the country on the day. Women at homes made 'prasad' of 'kadi-chawal'."Google........Observed Ekadasi fast on 3rd September. Felt quite weak in the morning today. Could walk for half an hour only.

Quotable Quotes :"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be."Douglas Adams

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