Wednesday, September 15, 2021

 10,11,13,14 and 15th

Akshat is 15 today. According to Indian calendar, he was born on Friday, Navmi, at 9.57 am of Aswin's Krishnapaksh, Vikram Samvat 2063 in Moolchand hospital, New Delhi, India. It was also Shradha paksh during the period. It corresponded to Gregorian calendar's 15th September 2006. It is a Hindu belief that ancestors take births during the Shraddha pasha in families. We prayed for his long healthy life.He is at a place slightly away from Nainital and celebrating his birthday. In fact he is also giving examination on line. His parents and maternal grandmother and Mausi are also there. We talked to him and blessed for happiness and long, healthy life. Venita did puja and distributed sweets and cash to all helps and guards.

Quotable Quotes :"Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little."Edmund Burke

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