Monday, February 1, 2010


Did sukshm vyayam and brisk walk.People ring you up when they have something up their sleeves where we can help.Otherwise they don't.We have to understand that life is like that.It is management of self interest rather than anything else.We have visions which cater to fulfillment of these self interests.Sentiments too are facts of life but they melt away before self interests.We should help each other in fulfillment of mutual self interests without consideration.Generally it is a different phenomenon.People help because their self interest is buttered.A colleague rang up and requested for helping him in the appointment of a law officer.I informed him that it is always a political appointment.Bureaucrats hardly play a role in it.It is the Ministry of Law which decides on the recommendation of the Govt. and in the Govt. it is the political executive whose wishes are endorsed and recommended to the Ministry of Law.I told I have no contact with the politicians and therefore cannot help in the matter.

Retired to sleep 2300 hours.

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