Friday, February 26, 2010

24th & 25th February

Completed morning program. If you have medicines which are left out after your treatment,you may give them in charity to institutions which receive them and give those who need.Today I delivered quite a few medicines, which were left with us, in the Sai Temple on Lodhi road,New Delhi.The medical officers there take and prescribe them.These are given to the patients in charity.One should ensure that only unexpired medicines are given.
Retired to sleep at 2315 hours.
Completed morning program.Wrote letters to the Minister,Health and Family Welfare, and the Secretary for permitting CGHS to issue unsubstituted medicines,prescribed by the consultants.As per the circular of the CGHS, dated 30th Sep.2009,the medical officer in charge CGHS dispensary gives medicines,available in the dispensary,if their formulations are the same as in those which are prescribed by the consultants.But the consultants do not approve of such medicines and recommend taking of only prescribed medicines.I have appealed to the Director of CGHS and to the Ministry to continue to give the prescribed medicines and not the substituted ones.If my request is turned down I will appeal to the High Court, Delhi for considering the request.I hope good sense should prevail among the health authorities and they will agree to issue unsubstituted medicines at least to heart and others suffering from serious problems.I delivered another packet of medicines,not required by us,in Sai Temple.
Retired to sleep at 2300 hours.

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