Saturday, July 28, 2012

28th July

Completed 50 minute brisk walk. Spent the day reading newspapers, magazines and watching Olympics on DD Sports. Kashyap was playing well and leading against Tan of Belgium in the Badminton match. Could not see it more as i had fear of losing by Kashyap. It is the fear of losing by India which comes in the way  of my watching any event. I would not leave watching a match where India is likely to win. But all this is in not in good  taste. In fact i should rather watch the beauty of a game than loss or gain to a country. If i cannot detach myself from loss or gain, i will ever miss the beauty of life in its various manifestations.  Games and sports are such a manifestation.
News of the day :"Ultraviolet (UV) radiation, the latest threat to seas and oceans besides global warming and atmospheric carbon, is causing an alarming spike in deaths of marine animals and plants, according to an international research team.
The team, which included researchers from the Oceans Institute of the University of Western Australia (UWA), synthesised 1,784 published experiments on marine organisms around the world to evaluate the magnitude of impacts caused by increased ultraviolet B radiation "TOI,  Flora Fauna, dt.28th.07.2012, on line.
India won 2nd ODI cricket match against Sri Lanka. The match ended about 5 minutes back.
Retired to sleep at 11 pm.

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