Wednesday, June 15, 2016

14th June

Completed morning program.
We all wished happy birthday to Abhishree. She was born today on 14.06.2002 at 6.55 pm GMT
 (11.25 IST  ) at Wellington, South West London, UK, 14 years back. We prayed for a healthy, long and prosperous life to her. Venita prepared 'kheer' and gave to all after offering to her 'Bal Gopal'. 
Abhishree was photographed (with her grandmother and mother) by me today morning at about to go to school for scheduled celebration there with her class friends :
We had dinner at a nearby Japanese restraunt. She cut the cake at home. All of us sang happy birthday to her excitement. Party for her friends and others  is organized on Friday, the 17th.
Quotable Quotes :"Ignorance is the curse of God; knowledge is the wing wherewith we fly to heaven." William Shakespeare
Retired to sleep at about 11.15 pm.

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