Monday, September 21, 2015

21st Sept.

Completed morning program. Visited IIPA. In the Supreme court from 2 to 4 pm.
It is unfortunate that politics is being played in the name of dengue at Delhi. Municipal corporations have alleged that Delhi government is not releasing funds to fight dengue.  Delhi government says that Municipal corporations are controlled by the BJP; so they should go to the Central government for funds. Municipal corporations may be having BJP controlled councils, but administrative control is with the Delhi govt. Funds are given by the Delhi govt and not central govt. The Delhi govt cannot shirk their responsibility. Jung and Kejriwal together are Delhi govt. They cannot have adversarial roles. They must learn to work together so that people of Delhi get proper services,which is their right.
Quotable Quotes : " Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." George Bernard Shaw
Retired to sleep at about 10 pm.

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