Friday, September 18, 2015

18th Sept

Completed morning program. Visited SBI and IIPA. In the Supreme court from about 2.30 to 4.15 pm.
There is criticism in certain quarters for permitting the South-i-Arabian diplomat, accused of rape, to go back to his country without facing trial in the Indian court. Praveen Swami in a write-up in the Indian Express today says " If one nation punishes diplomats, for good reasons or bad, there is nothing to stop the other nation from doing the same. For all practical purposes, diplomats would be at constant risk of becoming hostages." I fully agree with Swami. That is perhaps the 'raison d'etre' behind Vienna convention which allows immunity to diplomats from criminal and civil action. 
Quotable Quotes :  “ It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting." Paulo CoelhoThe Alchemist
Retired to sleep at about 10.30 pm.

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