Saturday, September 28, 2013

28th September

Could go for a short walk. I was interrupted by a neighbour who wanted to inform me about the affairs of the society. As i object to interruption during walk, generally no one disturbs me. Even if someone wants to talk, i tell him to let me complete 4 km brisk walk and that we will talk thereafter. The cardiologist has advised me to walk at least 4 kms in 40 minutes without interruption. I have tried to follow his advise in practice as far as possible.
Attended inauguration of All India seminar on the "Directive Principles of Indian Constitution and inclusive growth" at Vigyan Bhavan today by Shri Pranav Mukherjee, President of India , presided over by CJ of India, P. Sathasivam. Although the Directive Principles of Indian Constitution are not enforceable but quite a few of them are implicit in the Fundamental Rights which are enforceable under law. Joined in a get-together of about 10 IPS officers of 1964 batch at CSOI. It was pity to see a batchmate using a walker and another finding difficulty in walking. We have to take care of our health and more particularly after 40.
Retired to sleep at 10.30 pm.

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