Went for 45 minute walk. Visited CGHS and SBI In the Supreme Court and chamber from 1.50 to 5 pm. Offerings to ancestors continued. Retired to sleep at 21.30 pm
Born in a small town, Fatehpur,UP,India.Primary education in a municipal school; 10+2 education in a local college with Hindi medium. Graduated from Allahabad University,UP,India,in English medium.Thereafter completed bachelor of Laws and Master of Laws from the same university.Secured a gold medal for first position in LL.M examination Taught Law in Meerut Law college & Gorakhpur University,UP,India, for about 2 years.Thereafter joined Indian Police service in 1964 & after over 33 years of active service retired in August 1997.Joined Bar in Sep. 1997 and practice law.I have 3 sons, well settled and 5 grand children.I took to writing blog since 2007. But I have been quite irregular earlier.Now I am trying to be regular.I work about 15-16 hours everyday. I prefer not to work on closed days.I must go out on a holiday at least once every year in India or overseas.I write travelogues after my visit to places.
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