Sunday, September 1, 2013

1st September

Completed morning program. Chhutulu and Sangita came to invite for Anand's marriage. We had lunch together. As i was on Ekadasi fast today, i took special food without cereals and salt. Visited Sony service center on jail road for re-configuration of laptop. Now i could use Tata Photon. I use it when MTNL internet connection is not functional. It was of no use to complain through normal channels for rectification of the connection. After complaint by email to MD MTNL, action was taken to restore the dysfunctional internet. As i have complained to MD quite a few times, the ground staff  and supervisory levels, GM and officers of lower ranks are now active. The connection is working well these days.
Spent the day otherwise reading newspapers and magazines. Retired to sleep at 10.30 pm.

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