Wednesday, July 24, 2013

24th July

Completed morning program. Visited CGHS (Aurvedic ). In the Supreme Court of India and chamber from 12.30 to 4 pm. Retired to sleep at 10.15 pm.

News of the day : " and  are the two Indian economists who are most respected for their work. Both have worked on a broad spectrum of issues, though Sen is best known for his work on public choice and development and Bhagwati for his work on trade. They are both liberal, neoclassical economists, who support deregulation and disapprove of existing subsidies.

Yet their minor disagreements have become amplified into a shouting match – well, a one-way shouting match, with Bhagwati repeatedly attacking Sen in public and in print, and Sen expounding on his point through interviews and op-eds largely without mentioning Bhagwati or his views." Business Standard, dt.24.07.2013 on line in Google News.

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