Wednesday, July 17, 2013

17th July

Completed morning program. In the Supreme Court and chamber from 12.30 to 5 pm. Visited dentist.
I felt sad to see some ramshackled, untidy houses in course of journey back home by road from the Airport on 2nd July,2013. We had returned  from UK after a stay of over a month with our son and family. There is so much of disparity in incomes in our country. Even low income groups live well in UK.They work hard for it.The sadness disappeared when we entered our flat. Sheomohan had kept it sparkingly clean.It cheered us much. We can certainly live clean. Not much of cost is involved in living clean. We have to have proper mindset for cleanliness and work for it. We will succeed and be cheerful.
Retired to sleep at 10.30 pm. 

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