Thursday, August 23, 2012

23rd August

Went for a brisk 40 mins walk covering more than 4 kms. Did pranayam, some asans and exercises too. In chamber from 12.30 to 4pm.
I have served in Assam for over 25 years. I have seen people of Assam, in particular and North-East in general from close quarters. Exodus of the North-East people from rest of India back to their hearths and homes is natural consequence of their simple and credulous nature. They are not crooked. They are straightforward. They live frugally. Their needs are not too many. They enjoy life with whatever they have. It is easy to misguide them. Rumors can make them panicky. Their reaction to go back was the result of their simplicity. As they could be misguided to go, they can be guided to come back. I believe that they will come back soon as they are assured of and come to understand the mischief of vested interests to disturb normal life in the country.

News of the day : "Curiosity took its first test drive around the gravel-strewn Martian terrain Wednesday, preparation for the ultimate road trip to find out if the red planet's environment could have supported life.
The six-wheel NASA rover did not stray far from the spot where it landed more than two weeks ago. It rolled forward about 15 feet, rotated to a right angle and reversed a short distance, leaving tracks in the ancient soil.
Mission managers were ecstatic that the maiden trek of the $2.5 billion mission was glitch-free".The Associated Google News on line, dt., 23rd August, 2012.
Retired to sleep at 10 pm.

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