Wednesday, August 22, 2012

22nd August

Went for brisk 40 minute walk. Did pranayam, some Asans and exercises. Visited CGHS. In chamber from 12.30 to 4.15 pm.
News of the Day :"What has been fascinating about the Mars Curiosity mission so far has been the way that we have experienced NASA’s mission to the Red Planet not as a singular moment, but as a continuous flow of news, updates, photos, videos and, of course, tweets.While there may have been a single defining moment for Mars Curiosity — the night that we all stayed up late to watch the fateful "seven minutes of terror" — it is more likely that NASA’s fantastically successful mission to Mars will continue to be lived more as an ongoing flow of experiences and insights rather than as a singular moment, frozen in time." The Washington Post, National, dt, 22nd August 2012 on line
Retired to sleep at 10 pm. 

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