On 21rst
Went for brisk walk in the evening due to rain in the morning. Got up very early morning. Did pranayam. Visited camp office of National Population Registration program (NPR). It is said that NPR card will be acceptable as proof of one's identity all over the country. In chamber from 1 to 2.45 pm. Attended a conference in Oberoi hotel from 3 to 4 pm.
Retired to sleep at 10.30 pm.
On 20th
Completed morning program. Today is Eid holiday. Spent the day reading newspapers, magazine and sorting out personal papers.
Retired to sleep at 10.30 PM.
On 19th
Completed morning program. Met Subhash and Sunita at Gurgaon. Attended Alaynah's birthday celebration. She received me and Venita with a 'Hello'. Just after few minutes, it appears, she got scared of my slightly heavy voice when I started talking to her. She cried and had to be taken to her mother. She cut the cake in presence of us, maternal grandparents, her parents, Babloo, Neha, Akshat, Khyati, an Axis Bank officer, a friend of Ritsy. Venita gave a piece of cake to her, followed by me and others. She relishes cake, like any child of her age. During my stay in the house she gave me only fleeting attention. She was quite happy to play with Akshat. She liked the toys given by Venita and Neha. She carried them wherever she went.
She is two today.
We gave one book each to Khyati and Akshat.While giving 'Encyclopedia on wild life' to Khyati. I told her to go through it. If she can answer the questions in the book at the end of each chapter in due course, a prize of her choice will be given. She said that she would take an Apple Ipad. I said, 'Given'. Later her maternal grandfather told me that he had an Ipad which he could give her. But Ritsy and Silku, her parents, were not at all keen to give it to her. They feel that it will affect her studies. In that case, I will transfer the cost of it to her account after talking to Silku. Ritsy has a flawlessly decorated house After using a toilet of the house, I looked for the hand drawer as if I was in a star hotel. She is a mother of 2 and 10 year old daughters. She looks after them with love and care. On top of all these she takes pains to keep the house in an absolutely spotless condition. She cares for her parents and husband equally well. I am really proud of her and bless her for happiness and prosperity. I don't know who takes care of her. I think she takes care of herself too.
Retired to sleep at 11 pm.
On 18th
Could not do morning program. Had to leave for the airport at 8.30 am to see off Ruchi and children. Spent some good time with them. I had an interesting conversation with Amolikaa . I told her that i would return her visit for 3 days and would go there again only after she came to Delhi. She said that she would come after a year . I said that I would return the visit thereafter .She said that if she did not come whether i would also not come . I said that I would not come . And I would then become a forefather in due course (I had shown her all her forefathers in the family tree during her stay at Vikaspuri ) .She said that I could not be a forefather as I was only 73. I noticed that she was upset with the idea of my becoming a forefather. Noticing it, I told that i would be a forefather only after attending her marriage.She said that she would get married at 25. I said that i would then be 91 year old .She was quite happy to know that and looked cheerful. .
Attended a conference in Oberoi hotel .
Retired to sleep at 11 pm.