Thursday, May 5, 2011

3rd & 4th May

On 3rd could go only for walk.Venita accompanied me on way to chamber to do some of her work in South Delhi.In chamber from 12.15-3.30pm.Had a cup of Darjeeling tea with Sh.SS Sharma in the basement of the chambers which houses the LPO.Venita picked me up at 3.30pm.On way back visited Hanuman Temple.On 4th it was quite hot.Attended a conference on security issues in Le Meridian, chaired by Sh.DR Karthikeyan. The Home Secretary who was to chair the conference could not make it due to urgent work. Met S/Sh.BL Ohri,Anil Choudhury, Katna,another IPS offier whose name I could not remember apart from DR Karthikeyan. I could not attend afternoon session. In chamber from 2.15-5pm. A new case is taken up by Sh.Maheen Pradhan,Advocate under my supervision.Planned out conference & visit to Chandigarh in connection with the court hearing of Frigoglass case on 10th May. Retired to sleep at 10.45pm.

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