Tuesday, May 24, 2011

23rd May

Could go only for walk and did not do other exercises. Got up early morning at 1am. Felt quiet fresh after sleep for about 2 & half hours. Read the Bhagwad Gita written by saint Ram Sukh Dasji, given to me by Venita. It is a very detailed commentary on each sloka of the book. I remembered the Bhagwad Gita which I got from my late father and read by me quite a few times since my student days. I find it is concise & serves the purpose for me. I would rather read it than read the commentary of saint Ram Sukh Dasji, which is in great details. By writing this I am not undermining the commentary written by saint Ram Sukh Dasji. He was a great saint and we had the privilege of listening to his discourses at Rishikesh when he was alive. His voice still hovers in our mind and we have a great respect for him. Also read the favorite prayers from the Ramayana,the book which my late father read,now with me.I have flagged these & recite them whenever I get an opportunity.They give me great solace & tranquility of mind. Slept at 3am and later got up at 6am.Visited Safdarjung hospital and showed the ECG and Blood reports to Dr.Madhusudan of Cardiology department.He said that everything was in order. I had to get these reports for medical insurance for Shenegen countries.
VLDL(Bad cholesterol) at 29 was slightly high. I was advised to avoid oils and ghee. FBS, at 112, is just 2 points above the reference range. It could also be taken care of by diet control.ESR at 19 was also slightly high. Dr.Khanna,our personal physician in the society, told it could be ignored. Urin report is normal. Now I will get the same tests done after 3 months,i.e, on 23rd August. Retired to sleep at 10.45pm.

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