Friday, May 27, 2011

26th May

Completed morning program. Visited Chamber at 11am, collected letters to CMO CGHS, Pandara road. Went to Safdarjung hospital. Met Dr.Lalwani & took approval for Angiography of both the eyes and Avastin injection for Venita. Visited CGHS. I will get Avastin injection tomorrow. In chamber from 11-12am and later 1.15-3.30pm.
I was impressed with Obama, who visited his great great grand father's place in Ireland the other day. I have not yet visited even my grand father's place in Kothi,a former princely estate. I must visit it apart from visiting Panna,a former princely estate where my father worked as the district magistrate. The areas of both the erstwhile princely estates are now located in the state of MP. Retired to sleep at 11pm.

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