Wednesday, June 2, 2021


We visited Sheffield on 12th October 2019 to look up Khyati, two days after her 18th birthday . She had joined a course on medicine in the university there. She had arrived there a few days back. We were then in London. Although her mother had visited the place earlier and saw it, but we wanted to be sure that Khyati was living there comfortably in good environment, had credible company and was getting proper food. We undertook the journey to her place. Distance between London and Manchester was 320 km and Manchester and Sheffield 62 kms. We covered distance between London and Manchester by train and thereafter by taxi. We were happy to meet her and her friends there and got reassured of her well being.

In all 01,23,630 new cases corona cases with 17,96,485 active cases and 21,60,46,638 vaccination were reported till 1st June in India.

 Quotable Quotes :"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."Mahatma Gandhi

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