Monday, June 28, 2021

 25,26,27 and 28th

Pilku/Ruchi/Babloo/Neha/Abhishree and Amolika participated in the WhatsApp chat on Sunday the 27th June for about one and half hour. We talked about Corona's Delta plus variant,restrictions for Indians's visits in UK,further studies by Abhishree and Amolikaa,Wimbledon matches staring from 28th and offer of tickets for Finals on 11th July to Pilku  by All England Tennis Association. Akshat could not join .He was preoccupied with French tutions on line. After a long time it was a very lively chat.

In all 42,818 new corona cases with 05,72,187 active cases and 32,17,60,077 vaccination were reported till 27th June in India.

Quotable Quotes :"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."Mahatma Gandhi

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