Thursday, January 14, 2021


It's Bina's birthday today. We wished her many happy returns of the day....Today sun moves into Makar Rashi (Tropic of Cancer)and heralds arrival of Spring. On this day 25 years back in 1976 i took my mother-in-law for a dip at Sangam. I had come to Allahabad with a contingent about 30 Assam policemen for Sangam duty. Had filmed the area with a movie camera and taken shots of ISCON camp also in presence of their Founder Prabhupadji. My mother-in-law had accompanied....  Pilku had the privilege accompanying his maternal grandfather for a dip at Sangam when he was just 2/3 year old quite a few times..

In all 0104,95,147 corona cases with 01,51,529 deaths and 01,01,29,111 recoveries were reported till 13th Jan in India.

Quotable Quotes :"A nation's culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people."Mahatma Gandhi

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