Tuesday, January 19, 2021


Amolikaa was born today.She is sweet 16.She was born on 19.01.2005 at 18.52 hrs GMT in Wellington, South-West London, Wednesday or 002 hrs of 20.01.2005, IST, Thursday,16 years back.  According to Indian calendar, Tithi was Dashmi, Paush Shuklapksh, Samvat 2061. We talked to her and wished her many happy returns of the day.

                             Amolikaa during last visit in Delhi

In all 01,95,71,773 corona cases with 01, 51,419 deaths and 01,02,11,342 recoveries were reported till 18th Jan in India.

Quotable Quotes A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history."Mahatma Gandhiotes :"

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