Thursday, December 26, 2019

22,23,,24,25 and 26

Venita visited Sangita who is admitted in the Rohini hospital for third round of chemotherapy. Ruchi landed at Delhi on way to her parents at Lucknow.
PM appealed for peace in the context  agitation on CAA.
Visited Dr.Hans' Centre for ENT for check-up of ears.
Silku and Khyati came in the forenoon.
Christmas Eve  celebrated in CSOI. Saw members enjoying lunch on lush green lawns in pleasant warmth of the sun..
Had planned to participate in the presentation  of Dr. Kush Varma (IAS Rtd) of his book 'A to Z of Civil Service' in CSOI. On arrival there, found it was postponed to 11th Jan.2020. Had missed to see the postponement message.
Babloo,Neha and Akshat came in the evening.
Quotable Quotes :"The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world's problems." Mahatma Gandh

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