Thursday, December 19, 2019

18 and 19th Dec.

In the Supreme court in the afternoon. Venita left for Vikaspuri to participate in Akhund  Ramayana path in the evening. Will stay there for a couple of days.
A number of petitions have been submitted in the Supreme court for quashing  the Citizenship (Amendment) Act and to stay its operation in the meantime. While the SC agreed to examine the constitutional validity of the Act vi-vis article 14 of the Indian Constitution, it did not stay the Act.
Today is the last working day in the Supreme court before winter vacations.Visited Lenovo Service centre and Hans E&T for ear check-up.
The new British PM has appointed a PIO Shri Swarna Singh to review fact/level of Islamophobia of the British people and submit a report for remedial action 
Quotable Quotes :"There is a higher court than courts of justice and that is the court of conscience. It supersedes all other courts." Mahatma Gandhi

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