Wednesday, November 13, 2019

7,8,9,10 11,12 and 13th Nov.

We could not take out our vehicle today as traffic was open only to vehicles with odd numbers.
12th (Guru Nanak birthday)
Pilku went back to London after a stay of about 3 days at Delhi. He came early morning on 9th and left at 11 am on 12th Nov.after attending various ceremonies of Abhay's marriage. He met a good number of family members.
11th (local holiday)
Pilku visited his In-laws and fiends.
Venita and Pilku went for lunch with Tarun/Sngita after 'Mukh dekha ceremony' of the bride  '.
Attended Abhay's marriage ceremony
Attended Abhay's Tika ceremony.
Attended Abhay's Haldi ceremony .
Quotable Quotes :"There is no principle worth the name if it is not wholly good." Mahatma Gandhi

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