Wednesday, November 27, 2019

27th Nov.

Venita went to nearby temple to join in Kirtan on a Tuesday. She enjoys reading devotional booklets, listening to religious discourses, participating in Kirtan and similar activities. On certain stressful situations, she says she has experienced His presence and has also come face to face with Him. One such occasion was during my Angioplasty in April 2004, according to her. Patanjali Yoga darshan says that if one  practises 'Swadhaya' regularly, he may have 'Darshan' of his 'Ishita-deva'. Although I always feel His existence around me, but as it has happened with Venita, I have not seen Him face to face yet.
Elected Ms.L.A of Mahashatra will take oath of office on 30 Nov in Assembly hall; later Chief Minster will hold a public meeting on Sunday, the Ist Shivaji park, Mumbai.
Quotable Quotes :"Justice that love gives is a surrender, justice that law gives is a punishment."Mahatma Gandhi

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