Saturday, November 30, 2019

28,29 and 30th Nov.

Attended Sravan Tandon Memorial lecture by Shri NN Vohra on 'National Security Management-Some Concerns' at India International centre. About 50 people attended.

Coalition of Shiva Sena, NCP and Congress passed the floor test with the support 169 Members.
GDP growth slowed down to 4.5% in the 2nd quarter 19-20
In the Supreme court in the afternoon.
Participated in the Election of members of Gender Sensitisation Committee.
Quotable Quotes :"The good man is the friend of all living things." Mahatma Gandhi

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

27th Nov.

Venita went to nearby temple to join in Kirtan on a Tuesday. She enjoys reading devotional booklets, listening to religious discourses, participating in Kirtan and similar activities. On certain stressful situations, she says she has experienced His presence and has also come face to face with Him. One such occasion was during my Angioplasty in April 2004, according to her. Patanjali Yoga darshan says that if one  practises 'Swadhaya' regularly, he may have 'Darshan' of his 'Ishita-deva'. Although I always feel His existence around me, but as it has happened with Venita, I have not seen Him face to face yet.
Elected Ms.L.A of Mahashatra will take oath of office on 30 Nov in Assembly hall; later Chief Minster will hold a public meeting on Sunday, the Ist Shivaji park, Mumbai.
Quotable Quotes :"Justice that love gives is a surrender, justice that law gives is a punishment."Mahatma Gandhi

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

26th Nov.

In the Supreme court in the afternoon.
Supreme court ordered floor test in Maharashra Assembly before 5pm tomorrow (27th Nov.). In the mean time Ajit Kumar Pawar resigned as Duty Chief Minister. He said that did not have required majority.
A sizeable quantum of Central GST is collected in financial year 2019-20 so far.
Quotable Quotes:"A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history."Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, November 25, 2019

24 and 25th Nov.

In the Supreme court in afternoon.
The Supreme court reserved orders on formation of Govt in Mahasharta.
Visited Akshat at his parents' place. Had lunch with him and parents. He still cannot walk without support .His left leg is fully padded. He walks with the support of stick. It was painful to see him in that condition. His pads will be opened on next Friday. We have planned to lunch together on 1st Dec. Babloo's birthday at Hyatt Regency. We hope to see him then walking well without support.
Quotable Quotes : "It is easy enough to be friendly to one's friends. But to befriend the one who regards himself as your enemy is the quintessence of true religion. The other is mere business."Mahatma Gandhi

Saturday, November 23, 2019

22 and 23rd Nov.

Venita went to look up ailing Sangita at Noida.
'Supreme court's Ayodhya verdict has not upheld the law but delivered justice", according to former Muslim civil servant and now a politician.
We are advised to avoid anger to prevent clotting of arteries.
"At Trump's impeachment hearings, immigrant stories shine." IE, dated 23nd Nov. page 17.
Quotable Quotes :"Though we may know Him by a thousand names, He is one and the same to us all." Mahatma Gandhi

Thursday, November 21, 2019

21st Nov.

Akshat attended an Olympiad at Gurugram despite pain in his ankle.
Govt decided to prepare NRC (National citizen Register) for the entire country. It aims to rule out unnecessary intrusions and exclusions as it happened in preparation of NRC in Assam recently. It will contain names and addresses all Indians only..
Quotable Quotes : "Prayer is the key of the morning and the bolt of the evening.'. Mahatma Gandhi

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

19 and 20th Nov

Venita returned Vasant Vihar  from Vikaspuri in the afternoon after a stay of 3 days there.
Akshat rested and did not go to school today.
In reply to parliament question, 'govt did not spell out if it used Pegasus'.(TOI, p1,dated 20th Nov.)
Akshat twisted foot today while playing Basket ball in the school. His foot is bandaged.
Ex-CJI's Ranjan Gogoi's tenure as CJI started with 'a whimper and ended with Bang' (TOI page 12,  dated 20th Nov.).
Quotable Quotes :"When restraint and courtesy are added to strength, the latter becomes irresistible." Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, November 18, 2019

18th Nov.

Babloo's company has given a medical cover which includes parents too besides his family. We hope to utilize it to cover major part of expenses (Rs.55,000) of Venita's right eye cataract operation in Jan. 2020. CGHS covers only 30% of it.
Mosque side has decided to file review against SC order on Ram Janambhumi case.
Quotable Quotes :"Where love is, there God is also." Mahatma Gandhi

Sunday, November 17, 2019

16 and 17th Nov.

Venita went to Vikaspuri in the afternoon.
In a LM Singhvi Memorial lecture Justice Rohinton Fali Nariman of the Supreme court said that Karma tends to explain everything in life. (for details may see page 9 TOI dated 17th Nov.)
Attended birth day party of Sunita at Café Soul garden, Gurugram. Her relations and friends joined in.
Capital became gas chamber twice this year. (See page 3, TOI dated 17th Nov)
Quotable Quotes :"There is more to life than increasing its speed." Mahatma Gandhi

Friday, November 15, 2019

15th Nov.

A news item in TOI today says that  more Indians are heading to Ireland. Even Abhay and his family have planed to immigrate to Ireland. It will give them free movement to Europe and UK too..
Quotable Quotes :"Let not the 12 million Negroes be ashamed of the fact that they are the grandchildren of slaves. There is dishonor in being slave-owners." Mahatma Gandhi

Thursday, November 14, 2019

14th Nov.

We are planning removal of cataract from Venita's right eye so that her vision improves. Doctor advised immediate removal, but she wants it to be done in January 2020. We will show her eyes to the Doctor again next week for a final view.
Supreme court of India opened itself to RTI queries in a judgement today with key caveats.
Quotable Quotes :"Before the throne of the Almighty, man will be judged not by his acts but by his intentions. For God alone reads our hearts." Mahatma Gandhi

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

7,8,9,10 11,12 and 13th Nov.

We could not take out our vehicle today as traffic was open only to vehicles with odd numbers.
12th (Guru Nanak birthday)
Pilku went back to London after a stay of about 3 days at Delhi. He came early morning on 9th and left at 11 am on 12th Nov.after attending various ceremonies of Abhay's marriage. He met a good number of family members.
11th (local holiday)
Pilku visited his In-laws and fiends.
Venita and Pilku went for lunch with Tarun/Sngita after 'Mukh dekha ceremony' of the bride  '.
Attended Abhay's marriage ceremony
Attended Abhay's Tika ceremony.
Attended Abhay's Haldi ceremony .
Quotable Quotes :"There is no principle worth the name if it is not wholly good." Mahatma Gandhi

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

6th Nov

Arun/ Sunanda went for lunch to Anita's place. On return Sunanda travelled to Anand's place for taking stock ,being senior most, of the wedding arrangements. Arun stayed back with us.
"By not signing RCEP in a rush, India is prioritising is self interest." TOI dated 6th instant (p.20).
Quotable Quotes :"It is unwise to be too sure of one's own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err." Mahatma Gandhi

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

4th and 5th Nov.

Arun/Sunanda will arrive for Abhay's marriage tonight. They will stay with us and later shift to another accommodation.
Big demonstration by retired policemen and families of injured was held today.
Accompanied Venita to the South extension and Khan Market to measure the shirt /Kurta to my size, stumbled and fell on the uneven pavement to miner injuries.
India rejected mega pact with Cinna and Asean members. It apprehended surge of cheap imports from China.
Quotable Quotes :"There is an orderliness in the universe, there is an unalterable law governing everything and every being that exists or lives. It is no blind law; for no blind law can govern the conduct of living beings." Mahatma Gandhi

Sunday, November 3, 2019

1,2 and 3rd Nov

There is no lazing about here these days. In fact holidays are busier than working days. Venita went to saloon; thereafter shopped.
Venita returned from Vikaspuri.
Lawyers and police clashed as row over parking in Teeshazari District courts at New Delhi turned violent.
Controversy over snooping by WhatsApp though Israeli Pegasus is much in discussion in political quarters these days.
Quotable Quotes :"If I had no sense of humor, I would long ago have committed suicide." Mahatma Gandhi