Sunday, May 29, 2016

29th May

Completed morning program.
Attended lunch at Gurgaon, hosted by Kaushals, to celebrate their golden anniversary and birthday. The young couples should take a lesson from their life and try to adjust with each other during trials and tribulations of life. To me marriage is a sacrament and not a convenience or contract. Close friends and relations were invited. Shivani sang a heart touching song and applauded profusely by all. She has written a book on music.
After attending lunch at Marriott, Gurgaon, Arun/Sunanda accompanied us to VV. They liked our flat.
                             A photograph taken at Marriott bash

Quotable Quotes :"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere." Albert Einstein
lRetired to sleep at about 10.30 pm.

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