Sunday, May 1, 2016

1st May

Completed morning program.
Had planned to go to CSOI to join in review of a book by an author in the evening. Venita advised against it due to heat and distance (we are at Vikaspuri for weekend). Thapa went on a month's leave to his village in Nepal today early morning. He will reach there after 36 hours changing buses twice on way. Although major part of the journey is through plains, but quite a part of it is through hilly terrain when bus moves quite slowly. We have donated some amount on behalf of all our children for repair to his fully damaged house during the earthquakes in 2015 and 2016. Some relief was given by the Nepal government.
As part of the religious function, which began yesterday evening and ended today early morning, a big 'langar' was organized . It is first offered to the goddess and then shared by all.

Quotable Quotes :"Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value." Albert Einstein.
Retired to sleep at about 11 pm.

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