Wednesday, August 26, 2015

26th August.

Completed morning program. Dinesh's kidney biopsy is done today. The test result will come after 2 days.Visited IIPA. In the Supreme court from 1.30 pm to 4 pm.
According to Gregorian calender my birthday falls today. I am 76. As per the Indian lunar calendar it falls on the 12th day of Shravan Shuklapaksha, i.e., tomorrow(27th). 27th is the birthday of Siddhartha, second son and wedding anniversary of Amitabh/Ruchi too, eldest son.... 
I intended to invite all the relations and the two sons at Gurgaon for lunch at my place. Due to their preoccupation, none of them could come. I was disappointed. Then i thought of inviting a retired Group captain of the Indian Air Force and  Principal of dregree college of Fatehpur, now living in Dwarka,but later gave up the idea. Earlier i had not agreed with Venita to go to a Shiva temple at Kurukshetra for Abhishake on the day  I am not averse to going to a temple  I will never be. I have been going to temples since my early childhood. I wii go again whenever i get an opportunity. I am trying to see/feel Shiva within me these days.
 Neha insisted on coming to meet me on birthday. She organized a small eggless chocolate pastry at Cafe Coffee Day, Khan market..We used it as a cake to cut to the singing of happy birthday by single very low voice of Neha (her hemoglobin is below required level ) . I was thrilled by the ceremony.and touched by Neha's affectionate gesture. Had Neha too not come, i would have done it to myself all by myself. Thank you all my relations, sons and my dear wife (who chose to be at Mumbai on the day) for your loving good wishes over phone. A get-together is planned on Saturday after return of Venita. I think it is not necessary now.
Quotable Quotes : ." Life and death are one thread, the same line viewed from different sides. " Lao Tze
Retired to sleep at about 10.30 pm

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