Wednesday, August 19, 2015

19th August

Completed morning program. Talked to Alaynah, granddaughter, early morning. She had just got up to get ready to go to school. Blessed her for happiness, long and healthy life. She was born today at Gurgaon, Haryana, five year backAccording to Indian calender it was Navmi, Shuklapaksh, Shravan, Vikram Samvat 2067 at 11 am, Thursday, corresponding to  Gregorian calender's 19.08.2010 . In the morning we prayed for her long happy life. Venita did Puja at the temple and distributed sweets to all. Joined a party at her home in Gurgaon to celebrate the occasion.
                             Alaynah on her 5th birthday
Quotable Quotes : " Life is what happens to you when you are busy making other plans. " John Lennon
Retired to sleep at about 11 pm.

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