Sunday, June 28, 2015

27th June

Completed morning program.
Brriefed the children about the items of the news of the day among others : Three terror attacks one each in France, Kuwait and Tunisia fill the first three pages of the newspapers; Queen's visit to Belsen where over 70000 Jews are buried is a big news of the day; Activities of Islamic state of Iraq and Levant are highlighted.
Amolikaa won her singles league match. We saw Amolikaa with her school group in a song and dance sequence at a Fun-Fare. In the afternoon,went for a walk in a forested area of Wimbledon where wild rabbits move about in plenty. There is a lake and golf course inside it. It is a big area, good for long walks.
Quotable Quotes : "The best cure for the body is a quiet mind." Napoleon Bonaparte
Retired to sleep at about 10 pm.

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