Saturday, October 19, 2013

18th October

Went for about an hour walk. Venita left for Ginger hotel at about 12.30 pm.  Joined her and the Barat at 2, Moti Lal Nehru Marg, venue of Anand'marriage. A 30 strong Police band was in attendance. Khyati asked it to play some Pop music. It played for her. Her face was alit with excitement. She asked me to gift some money to the band. She counted them to be 30. We had to give  Rs 3000/- so that each person gets at least Rs 100/- to keep her wish. Akshat also heard one old film tune with rapt attention.

Baratis and janatis constituted a mass of over 200.The premises were brimming with human heads. Jaimala (a practice followed among Gandharvs in ancient India during their marriage)  took place followed by dinner. We met a number of friends and relations.  Returned home at about 11.30  pm. Saptapadi (going round the fire seven times ) is to take place late in the night. Thereafter  promises will be exchanged between married  Anand and Prachi. These are rarely kept in life. Even then the practice continues at the end of a Hindu marriage in front of sacred fire.

Retired to sleep after midnight .

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