Wednesday, October 16, 2013

16th October

Went for 45 minute walk. Attended birthday celebrations of Tunu and Anita at Tunu's place,Gurgaon and wished happy birthday to Ritsy .

Pramod/Anita/Devika,Subhash/Sunita/Tunu/Gauri/Yash/Chhotu/Rajat/Rajat's mother,Babloo/Neha/ Akshat and we attended the celebrations.Visited Babloo's and Silku's houses. Missed Ritsy. When we reached her house, we found that she had gone to buy some groceries in the meantime. Even Khyati and Silku were out buying something for Ritsy on her day. We had informed Silku/Ritsy about our visit to their house at the eleventh hour.  Ritsy's parents were present in the house. Preparations were on for cutting of the cake and dinner. Alaynah received and saw us off at the gate.  She placed her demand for  the latest of the Barbie series. We told that we would bring it when we come to meet her next. Otherwise we relaxed on a Bakrid holiday at home.
Retired to sleep at 11.30 pm.

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