Monday, December 3, 2012

3rd Dec.

Went for a 45 minute walk. Visited Safdurjung hospital and CGHS. In chamber from 1.30 to 3.30 pm. On way back had wax bath of left knee at Physiotherapy center.
Retired to sleep at 10.30 pm.


Nehasrivi said...

why hospital?

DNS said...

Dear Neha,
In this connection probably you missed note in my blog dated 1st December, 2012 about stiffness of left knee. I reproduce the same below.
"Visited Physiotherapy center in a nearby temple for wax bath mainly of left knee. As i could not do exercises for about 10 days during stay at Fatehpur and thereafter at Delhi, slight stiffness developed in the left knee. There is no pain. But i cannot bend it 180 degree and do Bajrasan. Some Asans can be done in Bajrasan only.. I have to skip them for the present. It had happened in May 2010. After 15 days of wax bath of the knee, it became supple and i could do Bajrasan."
I had three wax baths so far. I had the same problem in May 2010. It was ok after 15 baths of about 10 minute each. Apart from baths I also allow warm water to fall on the left knee when I take bath.
Please don't worry. There is no pain. I am doing all asans and walk daily as before without any problem.