Wednesday, May 9, 2012

9th May

Completed morning program.Visited CGHS. In chamber from12.30 to 3.30 pm. SS Sharma in/charge LPO invited me for tea with him quite a few times. Could not go due to preoccupation. Had a cup of tea .with him today.
 Gillo reached Mumbai. After a good deal of effort we could get Rail reservation from Kanpur yesterday.
Talked to Pulok Gogoi, the Assam painter.He could not remember the painting we bought from him in 1977..He requested to send a photograph of it .I told Pilku to send. It is with him.He wants to know the meaning behind it. According to Venita, the painting depicts a lady observing her reflections in a mirror early morning. She says that this is how Pulok Gogoi explained his painting to her in 1977.
Retired to sleep at 10.15 pm.

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