Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Completed morning program. Visited CGHS. Went to Vodafone Store to deposit security of Rs. 3000/- each for my phone and Venita's phone.for activating the facility of  inward calls to London and outward calls from London   when we reach there on 26th..The facility will also be available in any other country we may visit during our stay overseas.
A write-up in page 16 of  TOI of date on relationships is interesting. It refers to the finding of a study by researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Eauclaire  that sexual attraction will always get in the way of inter-sex friendships. Another finding points out that men acknowledge their attraction towards women friends much more than the other way round. The research confirms these commonsense observations. Ganesh Solanki writes "How, then, do we bridge this contradiction between social roles and human sentiments ? By resorting to the myth of friendship, pretending that the relationship formed between many men and women is purely platonic one, with no romantic or sexual elements at play"   Times View in the write-up is deeper and more appealing. According to it, in the contemporaneous context,... "all kinds of relationships are possible... Male-female bonding solely based on emotional sympathy or shared interests is no longer an alien concept.... The modern city life has created greater opportunities for male-female interactions of purely platonic nature".
Retired to sleep at 11 pm.


Vikas Pahwa said...

Sir, the story seems to be very interesting and certainly deals with a very common but complex problem faced by the people in the present world. Although on many occasions sexual attractions do come in between the relationships between tow individuals of opposite sex, but relationships without any romantic linkup is very much possible. In the modern world the opportunity to mingle with people is much more, as more females have started working and thus going out more often then before. Thus men get more opportunities to meet the women on individual basis and having relationships other than the romantic tie ups with every one is not possible. People very often need friends in opposite sex to discuss many other things then sex.
So in the modern world the chances of getting attracted to the person of opposite sex, without any romantic inclination is more probable then before.

DNS said...

Dear Vikas,
I am quite happy to read your comments. You are pragmatic. Please keep it up. It will save you from many unanticipated Tiger Woods type problems.
Generally speaking there is a mix of various sentiments in the inter-sex relationships. It is difficult to have one sentiment while you are dealing with opposite sex. I have liked your appreciation of these relationships.

DNS Shrivastava