Monday, December 5, 2011

2nd to 4th December

On 2nd :
Completed morning program. Visited SBI Vikaspuri and CGHS. In chmaber 1.20-5 pm. Had a cup of tea with Sh.SS Sharma. A photograph with the other advocates of the chamber and KTS for inclusion in the New Year card for 2012. Advocated Digvijay and Atiar rang up. Retired to sleep 9.30pm.

On 3rd:
Completed morning program. Today being a holiday, had coffee at Barista. Venita continued to suffer from cold. She is taking antibiotics. She could not attend a get together in the house of Sh.SK Dutta. Ex-Director, CBI, from 4 to 7.30pm. Sapra rang up and informed that Madhav was suffering from cold and we could have a meeting on Monday. Retired to sleep at 10.30pm.

On 4th :
Completed morning program. After breakfast slept from 11.30am-2.30pm. Venita went to attend a wedding in West End hotel in Vikaspuri. I could not accompany her. Tej rang up from Fatehpur and informed that his second son, Prashant had got a UN assignment in Kuala Lumpur. Retired to sleep 10.45pm.

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