Wednesday, December 14, 2011

14th December

Completed morning program. Had to cut it down due to scheduled tests in Max hospital in the morning. Owing to a particular medicine which I should not have taken as advised by the doctor of the Nuclear medicine department, the gated stress thallium test could not be done. Similarly PP could not be done as I took some tea/coffee in the 2 hours after breakfast. Now I will have to come again for these tests. As I am going out on 16th, the earliest I can go for the Thallium test will be after 28th. PP could however be done tomorrow as I am coming to the chamber.
I read a write-up in the center page of the Indian Express today about Euro crisis. It is said by the author that David Cameroon, British prime Minister has been criticized by all heads of the states of European union for his veto of an Euro bolstering treaty change to defend the Euro through greater fiscal cooperation and tougher sanctions on nations going Greek. He is alleged to have an euro sceptic attitude It is mentioned that the British suspect the continent which they think are lands of constitutions, Napoleonic legal codes, defeated armies, imperfect freedom, rabies, wife swapping and garlic. They mistrust what lies beyond the channel. The mistrust is said to be fathomless. There are others who think that the British could have gone with the process without adopting the Euro. They should not forget that their economy is heavily dependent on the Euro zone. They also have to keep in view that the mid Atlantic, as America pivots to Asia, could prove a lonely place for Britain. The author refers to the wisdom of Warren Buffet, "It is only when the tide goes out that you learn who has been swimming naked. But I think that the British Prime Minister has done the right thing. The British Economy is solid and the recession in the World economy has not affected it much. Moreover the British ethos is superior. There is something in British culture which is enduring and worth emulating. An English friend wrote me that he was to suggest to Police leadership to go aggressively against the rioters in the context of last riots in London. I replied that British Police should continue d"to handle the riots as they have been handling so far. If you change your way to how the other European countries handle riots, you will loose your sheen and your individuality which has earned you kudos all over the world." My friend is a retired Assistant chief Constable of British Police. Let us not forget that the image of British Bobby is different from the image of the Police men of other European countries. He has not replied to my letter so far. Perhaps he has changed his opinion after reading my letter.
In chamber from 2.30 to4.15 pm. Venita returned after hair-cut and shopping at about 4.15 pm. Spoke to Digvijay Singh. He is reaching Delhi tomorrow. We have associated him in a case along with Shri Rajkamal.
Retired to sleep at11 pm.

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