Wednesday, August 10, 2011

4th to 9th August

Visited CGHS for collection of medicines. In chamber from 1pm to 3.30pm. Sh.S.S.Sharma dropped in 2pm and left at 2.30pm.

Visited CGHS. In chamber from 1pm-3.30pm. Pradeep came. We discussed Yash's condition. There have been no blood transfusion for last two months and platelets for 3 months. It appears bone marrow has started forming, though slowly. According to the physician attending on him, the progress is slow. But Dr.Ojha, the Hematologist, of Fortis noida,who is attending physician of Yash, said that more ATG injections were not required at present.

Visited studio for processing photographs for travelogue. The MTNL gave internet connection for which I had applied on 3rd.

Visited district center Janakpuri. Dinesh Varma an old friend of mine who retired as vice chairman CAT Ahmadabad, rang up from Lucknow where he is settled.

On 8th Visited Mahesh at Ghaziabad. He lost his son in a motor accident near Jaipur on 7th. He had lost his another son only a few months back. Very sad. The office was closed.

Observed ekadashi fast today. Got the rifle license renewed. Sh.Tiwari,Addl.CP,Licensing, helped in expediting it. Retired to sleep at 10.30 pm.

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