Wednesday, April 27, 2011

25th and 26th April

On 25th visited CGHS.As the internet was slow, the indents could not be made for supply of medicines. In chamber from 12.45-3.30pm. On 26th visited Safdarjung hospital and met Dr.Kothari for consultation in regard to Venita's spondelysis. In chamber from 1-2pm. Visited domestic Airport and received Pilku, Ruchi and grand children, who had gone to Goa for holidays. Ruchi and grand children are going back to London on 28th by British Airways flight early in the morning.We wanted to meet the family as it would be quite late in the night to see them off. Pilku will go on Friday the 29th. Had a long chat with Pilku to post him of the family happenings. He watched football matches in ESPN late night. I retired to sleep at 11.15pm.

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