Monday, December 27, 2010

24th to 26th December

On 24th visited Precision Dental center at Sarita Vihar for a dental process. Attended chamber from 1pm-4.45pm. Venita is to go to Allahabad to participate in the engagement ceremony of Anand, younger son of my younger sister on 5th February,2011. Had to buy ticket for her to go on 3rd February and return on 6th February. She also proposes to have a dip at Sangam in this cold winter as she thinks a dip in Sangam in the month of Magh is auspicious. I am not accompanying her.Bought ticket for both of us to go to Allahabad on 4th March for the marriage on 5th and reception on 6th. On 7th March we will come to Fatehpur for a week long stay & return New Delhi on 14th March. On 25th heard the Christmas message of Queen Elizabeth broadcast by BBC. Curiously she wished that all of us should play games as these developed a camaraderie & mutual cooperation which are lacking in society these days. Also heard the message of the Pope. He also said that Christians should fight out persecution in Iraq and China. It was a very cold day, cloudy and hazy. Today is the birthday of Jesus Christ, who was crucified for standing up for values against the tyrannical Roman King. On 26th attended lunch hosted by MD Asthana, in connection with wedding reception of his son at IIC fountain lawns. MD was my batch mate and later he got selected in IAS. Met a number of other batch mates and acquaintances. There is a fountain in IIC but the lawns are not well maintained. Retired to sleep at 11.15 pm.

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